
Welcome! Most of the items shown here are from my non-profit and volunteer work. My professional work is not shown because of non-disclosure agreements.

Democrat John Bradley Running for Hornell’s Ward 6 Alderman

I am thrilled to announce that I am running as a Democratic candidate for Alderman of Ward 6 in the City of Hornell. I am passionate about making Hornell a better place to live, work, and play.

My spouse and I have lived in Hornell for eight years. I have seen the complex challenges facing our city and am committed to collaborating with the other members of the Common Council to find effective solutions. 

If elected as Ward 6 Alderman, I will prioritize economic development, public safety, and improving city services for all residents. With a focus on building strong partnerships with community stakeholders, I am committed to ensuring that the voices of Ward 6 residents are heard and that their needs are addressed.

This is my first time running for an elective office, so I bring a fresh perspective, innovative ideas, and a collaborative approach to governance. Although I am proud to be a member of the Democratic Party, I believe we must move beyond polarizing ideology to adopt practical, common-sense policies that will improve the quality of life for everyone in our community.

Professionally, I work from home as an instructional designer for a communication skills training company. My spouse of 30 years, Michael Hopkins, is a “retired” Episcopal priest who still has an active Sunday ministry with several parishes in Steuben County. I serve on the Vestry of St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church in Bath. I mentor a weekly online class, engage in community organizing for the Buy Nothing Project, and administer a Mastodon server. Michael and I share our home with a beagle and a gray cat adopted from the Finger Lakes SPCA. I enjoy science fiction books, movies, and television shows.

I invite all residents of Ward 6 to support my candidacy and help build a stronger, more vibrant Hornell for all. Together, we can create a better future for our city. You can follow my campaign at