
Welcome! Most of the items shown here are from my non-profit and volunteer work. My professional work is not shown because of non-disclosure agreements.

New and Improved Welcome Brochure

I created and printed this new brochure for St. Thomas'.

New and Improved Visitor Card

I created and printed this visitor card for St. Thomas'.
Back Side
Front Side

Promos for Christmas 2018

These promos were created by Church Motion Graphics, but I customized them for St. Thomas'. I posted them on our parish website and Facebook page.

December 2018 Parish Newsletter

I edited and arranged this issue for St. Thomas'. I also wrote two of the articles.

Video About St. Thomas' Bath

I was interviewed for this short video, which is designed to attract rector candidates to St. Thomas'.

St. Thomas - Bath, NY from Episcopal Diocese of Rochester on Vimeo.

November 2018 Parish Newsletter

I edited and arranged this issue for St. Thomas'. I also wrote one of the articles.

October 2018 Parish Newsletter

I edited and arranged this issue for St. Thomas'. I also wrote two of the articles.

September 2018 Parish Newsletter

I edited and arranged this issue for St. Thomas'. I also wrote two of the articles.

How to Facebook for St. Thomas' Episode 2

I created this video, using PowerPoint, to teach the members of St. Thomas' Episcopal Church how to use Facebook to invite people to church. We showed it during both services on April 22, 2017—which we declared a Social Media Sunday.

How to Facebook for St. Thomas' Episode 1

I created this video, using PowerPoint, to teach the members of St. Thomas' Episcopal Church how to use Facebook to invite people to church. We showed it during both services on April 8, 2017--which we declared a Social Media Sunday.

Promo for Easter 2018

I created this promo from scratch for St. Thomas'. I couldn't find any off-the-shelf promos I liked.