
Welcome! Most of the items shown here are from my non-profit and volunteer work. My professional work is not shown because of non-disclosure agreements.

Believe Out Loud in the Episcopal Church

I created this slide deck for a briefing I gave to Integrity's Board of Directors on our role in the Believe Out Loud campaign.

Title slide

The Ripple

When I worked for Integrity USA, we published this "comic book" and distributed it to all the bishops and deputies attending the 2009 General Convention of The Episcopal Church. I collaborate closely with the writer and artist.

Episcopal Life Ads

I created these ads for Integrity USA before the 2009 General Convention of The Episcopal Church. They were published in Episcopal Life.



Integrity InfoLetter | Second Quarter 2009

I edited this issue for Integrity USA.

All the Sacraments for All the Baptized

When I worked for Integrity USA, I created this logo for our witness to General Convention 2009.