
Welcome! Most of the items shown here are from my non-profit and volunteer work. My professional work is not shown because of non-disclosure agreements.

Integrity/Washington AOL Page

When I was a leader of Integrity/Washington—a local chapter of Integrity USA—I created this page hosted by America Online. This was before the world wide web was commonly available.

Eye Of The Storm

 This article mentions me and quotes Michael.


By Megan Rosenfeld
The Washington Post
March 31, 1996

The Washington National Cathedral is a vast, vaulted cavity, designed to make humans feel tiny. Into the echoing nave came Washington-area Episcopalians, both laity and clergy, for the annual diocesan conference. They came from the high churches perfumed by swinging censers to the low churches where the pews have been replaced by chairs that can be moved aside for parties. They came from liberal suburban churches, and conservative urban ones, and vice versa. There were priests who are women and priests who are gay, and others who opposed their very existence as ordained interpreters of God's word.

Presiding over all was the bishop, the Right Rev. Ronald H. Haines, a tall, 61-year-old grandfather who for six years has guided this prominent and contentious flock. Looking down from the dais at the 200 or so representatives of the Washington diocese's 41,000 Episcopalians, he tried to preclude the discord that was sure to come. This was not to be a debate, he said, but "a time of Christian sharing."


St. George's Episcopal Church Website

I create this website for St. George's Episcopal Church in Glenn Dale, MD. It was among the first sites I created.