
Welcome! Most of the items shown here are from my non-profit and volunteer work. My professional work is not shown because of non-disclosure agreements.

Acute Care and Preventive Health Services in Public Health--Two Sides of the Same Coin

I delivered this speech at a conference, but I don't recall which one or where it was held.

My name is John Bradley. By profession, I am a health educator and an instructional designer. I work with the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services. This afternoon, I would like to share how Florida addresses both episodic care and preventive services within its public health system.

I have several objectives for this presentation:

  1. To tell you a little about Florida's primary care system.
  2. To tell you how integration of services is being achieved at the state level.
  3. To describe several projects and initiatives at the state and local level that are improving preventive services.
  4. And finally, to find out what your state public health care systems are doing in the area of preventive services.